How To Vacuum A Car

To vacuum a car one requires hand vacuum for 100% mobility. A commercial vacuum can as well, as long as it has flexible extension pieces that will enable the individual to get into very tight spaces and under the seats thoroughly.

This first item on the vacuuming agenda is preparation. It is necessary to prep the car for vacuuming by opening all 4 doors (or 2) plus the trunk and remove all large objects and pieces of garbage from the vehicle. This is a good time to look under your seat properly. There might be valuables and other important things that you would not like to be devoured by the vacuuming process. Sometimes remnants of food could be lodged in various areas of the car and its best to get to it before the vacuum does. This item of food could clog the vacuum cleaner and affect vacuuming efficiency.

Start but removing all the carpets from the car and clean them outside of the vehicle. Whether you decide to wash them or give them a good dusting, it is up to you. Just remember, never to wash them if there is no way of getting them dried in time to be returned to the car.

For best results, vacuum one side of the car (front and back), then vacuum the other side in the same manner. This allows you to work more efficiently and reduces the possibility of confusion. Make sure to apply pressure on the carpet while vacuuming to allow all the embedded dirt particles to rise to the top and sucked up by the cleaner. Run the cleaner along the lines of the plastic trimmings of the car, to get those hidden dirt particles. Reach as far up under the dashboard without disturbing the car wiring. Then try to get under the seats thoroughly. Make sure you give the cleaner a well deserve break while vacuuming. The units can overheat and get damaged if they are operated for too long at one time. A 3 minute cool down interval is sufficient to give the vacuum cleaner.

After vacuuming both sides of the car front and back thoroughly. Turn the vacuum off and give your work a visual check. This allows you time to see it you have overlooked and areas and if there are any impossible to remove stains. A separate cleaning agent and additional time and patience will be required for those stains.

The final area and usually the easiest to vacuum is the trunk. Quite often, it is overlooked, but no car is complete without a properly vacuum trunk. The process here is similar to the inside of the vehicle, but much easier, since there are usually no obstacles in your ways.

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